Delta-8 urine RT
Delta 8 THC, also known as delta 8, is one of the cannabinoids found within marijuana and hemp plants. There are no high-delta-8 THC marijuana strains. This compound is a result of delta9 THC's degradation over time. It does not get you high as delta 9, but it is still potent. Lower doses of delta-8 THC can have mildly elevated and energizing cognitive effects. Higher doses of delta 8 THC can cause sedating effects. This is why so many people use it. What is the working principle behind drug testing? To see the effects of a substance taken for medical or recreational purposes, your body will begin to metabolize it. The liver metabolizes the metabolites, and they remain in your bloodstream. Even though the effects of delta-8 urine RT have been eliminated, drug tests can still detect their "track." Workplace drug testing is used to detect illegal substances. You may be required to test for drug metabolites in your workplace...